SuperE er bygget på fundamentet af Reedins anerkendte KevPro, men kommer med et anderledes flex mønster og ny outline, som er lavet til at give den samme personlighed fra boardet plot i en lavere fart end KevPro er lavet til. SuperE har et unikt design under boardet, du finder en konkav form i hele boardets længde, med triple konkav channels mod boardets spids hvilket giver den perfekte balance mellem greb ved bagfoden, og vandets flow langs boardet til at skabe fart.
Damien har følgende at sige om dette års SuperE board:
"What were your design goals for Super E?
The goal was also very simple: Make a board that would feel just as good as KevPro for every day riders that don’t necessarily ride super fast all the time. This was achieved by mainly working on the flex of the board in order to have a softer response than KevPro.
Can you tell us about the shape of the board and how you achieved those goals?
The bottom channels are designed to be more pronounced in the tips of the board where the water flow is more parallel to the board in order to provide grip without slowing you down, while the center of the board has minimal bottom shaping in order to let water flow as fast as possible.
The edge of the board, however, has our rail edging channel that provides grip between your feet acting like a center fin for maximum grip without necessarily leaning on your back foot.
Thanks to the layup, Super E is designed with a Flex tuned to give you the absolute best response when riding moderately fast."